About Us
Medical Claims Billing (“MCB”) is never completely satisfied with our performance and is constantly striving to be the industry leader in high quality revenue cycle management and practice consulting.
We are a service business
We believe our success is dependent on the following principles:
Our people are the most important element to great service.
In addition to excellent knowledge, they must possess a passion for service and a tenacity to find answers for our customers.
We are a learning organization that seeks to continuously improve in all areas.
Our objectives are to maximize each step of every process and we see advancements in technology continuing to take a larger role
Our success enables us to give more back to our community.
Each of our team members
recognizes there are unmet individual and community needs and we encourage support for organizations that address those needs.
We will be fearless in our pursuit of a better healthcare experience.
The system is often flawed and offers many opportunities for new and innovative services.
Expand your medical practice with a trusted partner
Medical Claims Billing is dedicated to providing the highest quality medical billing services to independent providers with the utmost dedication to professionalism, detail and responsiveness.
MCB considers its clients to be partners in success and we aim to provide unparalleled service.

Our Team
A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.
Our team focused approach provides your practice with experts
Our team focused approach provides your practice with experts for your specialty, resulting in a billing department with far more resources than you could ever have in-house. Our team will learn your practice’s specific needs and integrate that knowledge through the billing process.
Revenue Cycle Management
EHR Integration
Denial Management
Patient Payment
Provider Enrollment / Credentialing
We are dedicated to building a reliable and scalable process that ensures your success
Our mission is to be passionate in our pursuit of a better claims process and a tenacious advocate in resolving your reimbursement issues.
MCB considers its clients to be partners in success and we aim to provide unparalleled service.